About Us
The Mongrel Horde is a self-sufficient conquering force that umbrellas Mongrel Squad and several other orgs. It ensures that we never lack allies so we are not at the mercy of our adversaries. It consists of specialist organizations that support each other, with Mongrel Squad at the center as its piracy organization and combat arm. It also has an auxiliary combat force known as The Mongrel Auxiliaries and two logistic organisations Stellar Packrat Logistics and The Mer-X Cartel to cover the remainder of our needs with the potential of expansion should the need arise.
The mission of The Mongrel Horde is to establish itself as a dominant criminal force within the Star Citizen universe by conquering and asserting dominance over any area that The Mongrel Horde occupies.
The mission of establishing galactic dominance as a criminal force within Star Citizen will be led by Mongrel Squad. All organisations have their own mission that contributes to achieving The Mongrel Horde's mission.

Mongrel Squad
Mongrel Squad's mission is to lead and achieve The Mongrel Horde's mission by establishing and maintaining itself as the dominant piracy organisation within the Star Citizen verse.

The Mongrel Auxiliaries
The Mongrel Auxiliaries mission is to establish and maintain a large combat reserve contingent for the purpose of providing additional combatants for larger Mongrel Horde operations.

Stellar Packrat Logistics
Stellar Packrat Logistics mission is to operate a lawful organisation, providing support services capability for The Mongrel Horde by engaging in:
- cargo hauling,
vehicle repair,
medical search and rescue,
equipment resupply,
vehicle refuelling,
salvaging and
any other further activities that entail the necessity of logistical support.

The Mer-X Cartel
The Mer-X Cartel mission is to operate a criminal based logistic capability for The Mongrel Horde that focuses on a profit first approach by engaging in
merit trading,
drug trafficking,
transporting/buying/selling of stolen/illegal goods and
bookmaking on racing events.
This is just the start. As Star Citizen is fleshed out further, The Mongrel Horde may expand to include more organisations to cover capability gaps, but we need to wait to see what comes first. For all of you, your focus should be on finding the fun within the game and if your goals align with The Mongrel Horde, then you’ll fit in just fine here!